days in haze and bliss...

05.05.2003 - 22.28 PST
Dead Time.

Spring is slowly rolling its leaves back, ready for the explosion of summer, and I am still in this city, loving love, loving the idea of loving, loving everything except the moments in the dark when I feel like I'm still stuck on the other side of the room. So, tonight, because I can, I'm going to talk about women.

First and foremost, I'd like to make it clear that women fucking rock. Seriously. It's stupid to generalize, and intrinsically flawed, sure, but the majority of women I know kick ass, plain and simple. I mean, from a physical standpoint, women have everything and anything a guy can ask for. Literally; all you have to do is name some physical characteristics and, more often than not, a women possessing most if not all of those characteristics will walk by. I hate to admit this, ladies, but I spend a great deal of my life staring at you. And it's not because I'm trying to get into your pants, either; to be honest, I'm only trying to get into your pants when it occurs to me that I might actually have a shot at doing so, which only happens when you tell me. (I am male, after all.)

No, I spend so much time looking at women because the sheer perfection of your physicality amazes and impresses me. Women just move differently from men; there's a certain...understanding to it that just seemes rehearsed and forced with men. Be it because the onset of puberty requires rapt attention to the body, or maybe just because of natural gifts, women have the ability to make the most mundane acts look like ballet. In April's case, for instance...I used to love to watch her write. Everything from the way she held the pen to the look on her face seemed to move with perfect fluidity. You don't even need to look at it that intimately, either; look at any woman in her natural work, for instance. Few things give me greater pleasure than watching female baristas at work, because they make even the act of preparing coffee look interesting.

Part of this, of course, could be because your bodies look so nice. Sad to say, I do notice women's bodies. It's difficult not to, really; they're just built...perfectly. Thin, heavy, tall, doesn't matter, really, I like them all. Sure, I have my preferences I guess, but the true measure of a woman's aesthetic appeal is cumulative. Some faces just go with a certain body type, or some legs just look too great with a pair of shoulders...I can't phrase this as articulately as I'd like, but you get the idea. Sure, some men may prefer certain individual aspects of female bodies, but I'm the kind of guy that likes to look at the big picture. Honestly, speaking from a physical perspective, I'd rather have a woman whose attributes are all essentially "average" than, say, a woman with massive breasts. It's all about being proportionate, with me; everything has to go with something else.

What's sad is that the physical part is the easy part. I mean, women have some complex bodies, but your minds are a completely different animal. Women have this incredible capacity for things that never ceases to amaze and excite me. Colors, for instance, which I know is a ridiculous stereotype, but painfully true. Women know colors like you wouldn't believe, and the fact that they can pick up on such subtle nuances in hue and actually articulate them boggles my mind. It works the same way with emotions, too; say what you will about stereotyping again, but that empathy thing is fucking cool.

Then there is, of course, the sex thing.

Come on, you didn't think I'd leave without mentioning that, did you?

Okay...I can't speak for all males, but I know for sure why I like sex so much. Women, I'm sorry, I respect all of your many and diverse talents, but your bodies...well, they feel fucking awesome. Your hands feel great when they touch me, your lips feel great when they kiss me. I shiver when I touch a girl's skin; no lie, because it just feels...different. There's a tenderness to it that men just don't have, and a smell, the kind that doesn't push its way across the room like perfume or deodorant does, that creeps into my nose and my hands and clothes and lingers there forever. And taste... There isn't really a way to describe the way a woman tastes, but every single woman I've had the honor being intimate with has had something about her taste, something that I'm not articulate enough to describe... the closest I can get would be to call it somewhere between the taste of water and air.

To say nothing of vaginas, which, let's be honest, [straight] fellows; there isn't anything like it, is there? That delicate strength that pulls and pushes so gently you barely notice the motion, the infinite caresses, the warmth, the wet, the NOW, that takes you in and makes you feel like you couldn't ever stop moving or feeling or living, even if you wanted to. Honestly, most of the time I hate orgasms, because when I'm surrounded by all of that sensation, all I want to do is just slow down the moment enough so that it lasts forever.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.


I can't do you justice with my silly little words, but trust me when I say that you are amazing.

then - soon



30.08.2003-Exeunt, the Moor.


27.08.2003-Last night, and august in general.
