days in haze and bliss...

18.02.2003 - 22.56 PST
We Lose, They Win

I have to doff my hat to Jorge; he's being honest about how he doesn't give a shit about what we say. Really, you have to admire a man seemingly devoid of compunctions when it comes to pissing on the principles upon which this country was ostensibly founded. I should take some comfort in the fact that, at least, word of the massive antipathy toward his warmongering is at least reaching him, but no comfort comes when I realize that something, to wit, is up.

I visited the comic shop in which I spent entirely too much time during my collegiate years, and a pair of guys there were chit-chatting about how Bush had "insured that he'd never be re-elected." That's something else I'd like to be able to believe, but something just doesn't make sense. There are entirely too many things going on that suggest the folks over in the Junta have something up their collective sleeve. I suppose the "War On Terror" is well-promoted enough to sway the minds of the (say it with me now) drooling masses, but, come on, how long does he expect this Homeland Security nonsense to last after he's gone? Do those Fascists-in-disguise in Washington honestly think that their myopic vision America will endure longer than the brief expanse of time encompassing the rest of their lives? The only answer could be "yes." This is starting to worry me even more than before. The Junta is planning to hold secret meetings to now to discuss plans for new-and-improved "nucular" weapons. We can all, it seems, rest safely at night knowing that "our" government is preparing to authorize mass production of nuclear weapons small enough to be concealed in backpacks. Because, of course, no one's ever used our own weapons against us before.

Somebody please tell me I'm preaching to the choir.

I can't be optimistic about this ever ending, really, because it shouldn't have started to begin with. There is absolutely no reason why Bush should be in office right now short of some preplanned device. Was the country really ready for this uber-conservative tailspin? I'd like to think not. Never underestimate the power of the myopic, I suppose.

then - soon



30.08.2003-Exeunt, the Moor.


27.08.2003-Last night, and august in general.
