days in haze and bliss...

22.08.2003 - 11:57

don't lie, i know you gave it all to them in shortened breaths and bloody spittle that decorates you better than any crown...(or perhaps that memory's exclusive to me--I don't know if you mean to)

don't lie, I know they're double digit hours across states and continental shelves--I could see it, I think it's a whisper in my ears. I always envied your clarity; it never was a punchline.

you said to no one you and I were linked, however weakly. I only find it funny now in knowing that's how gods are made.

the white girls, they spoke in whispers, and their songs were softer still, but the question remains who else could be so mesmerizingly callous? I'm a fool for thinking you had an answer, but you were closer than I'll ever get, so maybe that alone will saint you or at the very least make their voices clearer.

then - soon



30.08.2003-Exeunt, the Moor.


27.08.2003-Last night, and august in general.
