������� I Thought I Knew.

Whatever it was.

Wherever it was.

Whatever it was.

27.11.2002 - prioitays.
26.11.2002 - do not drive on four hours of sleep and sigur ros.
23.11.2002 - in the absence of a decent entry
23.11.2002 - my mama, too.
22.11.2002 - girls who didn't like me when they were sober.
21.11.2002 - wow, we piss this away so easily.
21.11.2002 - old people.
20.11.2002 - between paper jams 2
19.11.2002 - what i think about between paper jams.
18.11.2002 - the WB.
18.11.2002 - my favorite list.
17.11.2002 - shows of good showness
16.11.2002 - I am no fuckin' rock and roll fun
14.11.2002 - displaced
14.11.2002 - Way. Too. Early.
13.11.2002 - order NOW!
12.11.2002 - surveys are fun
12.11.2002 - disorder, disorder, disorder
11.11.2002 - well, i've got a new friend...his name is sobriety
11.11.2002 - stereotype quiz
10.11.2002 - so many self-portraits.
10.11.2002 - i will be right back.
9.11.2002 - my first poem in a long time.
8.11.2002 - u.s.a. is u.t.a.
7.11.2002 - dog piss and the human reaction
6.11.2002 - ignore this entry
5.11.2002 - beaten back down
4.11.2002 - nothing
4.11.2002 - this took a long time.
03.11.2002 - recharged.
02.11.2002 - forget about suzanne.
1.11.2002 - another boring, mundane account.
31.10.2002 - an empty day
30.10.2002 - A DJ saved my life.
30.10.2002 - MONNNNNNNNNDALE!!!!!
29.10.2002 - immigration
28.10.2002 - lambs. fucker.
28.10.2002 - LEE-BRA
28.10.2002 - all around me are familiar places
27.10.2002 - we're going to die.
27.10.2002 - a quiet lunchbox lonely little boy.
26.10.2002 - siempre lo mismo.
25.10.2002 - ego-trippin, ego-trip
25.10.2002 - dona nobis pacem.
25.10.2002 - from india rubber back to flesh and blood
23.10.2002 - it could be like this, too.
23.10.2002 - sugar isn't as sick as one would hope.
23.10.2002 - toss aside
22.10.2002 - defeat.
20.10.2002 - mine is the best definition
19.10.2002 - comic books.
19.10.2002 - trading card!
18.10.2002 - i am not a liberal.
17.10.2002 - to katie.
16.10.2002 - meep meep
15.10.2002 - they're making it easy.
13.10.2002 - you're blacker than this.
13.10.2002 - small victories.
13.10.2002 - a note of complete irrelevance. Bush is a dickhead.
13.10.2002 - Debates with my dad and Holly.
11.10.2002 - Ephraim and the better part of valor.
9.10.2002 - the WB fails again
09.10.2002 - president death, in case i wasn't under the Homeland Security watch already.
8.10.2002 - the NEWEST World Order
07.10.2002 - holly apparently does not believe in hip-hop. fuck that noise.
5.10.2002 - idle revolt hero
4.10.02 - another moment
4.10.2002 - Dear Jerry Falwell
3.10.2002 - what the hell?
2.10.2002 - a rambling, incoherent thought on race--to Holly
1.10.2002 - maofuckaz betta RECOGNIZE
30.9.2002 - they sing too fucking much.
29.9.2002 - throw away.
27.9.2002 - which has got her heart
25.9.2002 - throw this one away
24.9.2002 - the mirror and me (and me and me and me and me.....)
23.9.2002 - i'm finna drop a bomb t'dy!!!
22.9.2002 - unexpected tribute
21.9.2002 - it stings
20.09.2002 - kinetic go boom
19.09.2002 - we all fall down.
18.9.2002 - don't call it a comeback.
17.9.2002 - god must be dead.
17.9.2002 - everwood.....baise moi
16.9.2002 - nothing important.
16.9.2002 - zen.
15.9.2002 - pour it, motherfucker.
15.9.2002 - oh, we kissed only once.
13.9.2002 - whoa, is this rant disjointed or what?
12.9.2002 - princess superstar soon?
11.9.2002 - I pledge defiance.
10.09.2002 - trust in government.
- the spin doctors are on saturday night live.
08.09.2002 - this transparent liquid contains poison
8-9-2005 - hey
7-9-2002 - American Idol and other things.
7-9-2002 - Melissa Faulkner.
7-9-2001 - this is the end.....(fill in the musical cliche)
5-9-2002 - i am such a hypocrite.
4-9-2001 - nailbomb.
3-9-2002 - Don't thank me; you're doing all the work.
2-9-2002 - pre-cleansing
31-8-2002 - maybe this is it/
2002-08-29 - listen to this...and much more.
29-Aug 2002 - murder, murder! (your life's on the line)
2002-08-28 - and i think i see myself again.
2002-08-28 - i will not be in the air.
2002-08-27 - do you hate it when people snoop? I do.
2002-08-25 - FUCK.
2002-08-24 - short description, shorter entry...
2002-08-24 - positivity?
2002-08-23 - things I want....and a question
2002-08-23 - I hate staying up late to see something that eventually isn't on
2002-08-22 - bad boy pot-smokin' band
2002-08-21 - time travel is, indeed, lonely.
2002-08-20 - soup dragons.
2002-08-20 - i've got designs on you
2002-08-19 - shorty.
2002-08-19 - halo. hello. halo.
2002-08-18 - Of course they're just trying to remove the apple from the bucket.
2002-08-17 - dead leaves on the dirty fucking ground
2002-08-16 - total. castration.
2002-08-15 - So this is 22.
2002-08-14 - happy maofuckin' birthday to me.
2002-08-13 - realization
2002-08-12 - apopleptic apology
2002-08-12 - sturvey....again
2002-08-10 - Fighting Uruk-hai
2002-08-08 - yum, cigarettes.

2001: a Darryl Odyssey
End of (College) Days
The SIIC and the Dead
Bellevue National Penitentiary
The Shadows On The Wall